IF THE TWELVE DISCIPLES HAD IPHONES; Global Media Outreach Crosses 2 Billion Virtual Gospel Presentations

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Global Media Outreach Crosses
2 Billion Virtual Gospel Presentations

PLANO, TEXAS – March 18 – As the world is working together to flatten the curve, there is one number on the rise–and this is very good news. Since 2004, founder Walt Wilson’s vision for Global Media Outreach was to reach at least 1 billion with the message of hope in Jesus, and today, May 18, 2020, they’ll double that, with 2 billion Gospel presentations. To view the approach to crossing the benchmark online in real time, visit witnesstoall.com/counters/alltime.

Global Media Outreach is made up of present day disciples with modern ministry tools–smartphones. Through their digital outreach, they’ve had the opportunity to reach people in their point of need – their most private and vulnerable moments, behind closed doors, behind phone screens.

“We’re just one spoke in the wheel, carrying out the Great Commission,” said Wilson. “We honor those co-laborers and those who have gone before us, as we continue to pass along the baton Jesus has given us.

“The world has entered an uncertain time. Yet, the silver lining that never changes is our hope in Jesus,” said Wilson. “Even in challenging times, God provides Good News. We’re in a new era, realizing our familiar structures and patterns will be forever different. As we pivot, the need for God’s hope and love still exist, and we’ll continue to share it.”

Learn more and find out how you can help atGlobalMediaOutreach.com

About Global Media Outreach
Global Media Outreach’s vision is to give every person on earth multiple opportunities to know Jesus Christ. It is their mission to see hundreds of millions receive Him, build them in faith and connect them to Christian community. Global Media Outreach uses SomethingBetter.us, Godlife.com and other websites in 12 primary languages to share the Good News of Jesus Christ in more than 200 countries. Through its worldwide digital outreach, upwards of 500,000 individuals currently each day will receive an online Gospel presentation. Of these, an average of 60,000 will indicate they have received Jesus and approximately 10,000 will ask for more information. Individuals will be contacted by one of 3,500 online volunteers for personal guidance and counsel. Global Media Outreach will then connect the individual with a local church or Christian community.

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In : Newswire

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Editor of Don411.com Media website.
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