Florida Underwater Sports Customer Appreciation Day – Turtle Aware Jupiter – Summer Programs

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Florida Underwater Sports
Bonaire – 50th Birthday Bash

Buddy Dive Resort

August 15th – 29th, 2015
Cost $1,330 PPDO Per Week

Greg, Lesa and Tim are turning 50! We can’t think of a better way to celebrate than to visit a beautiful island with unlimited diving opportunities. We hope you will join us for a very low-key, no schedule dive trip where you can dive when and where YOU want. Bonaire is the shore diving capital of the world offering 60 official dive sites. You will enjoy Buddy Dives famous Drive and Dive package more…
Kids Summer Programs

Advanced/Adventure Camp  – June 15 – 18
Middle and high school students
Adventure Diver (10-11 year olds) $365
Advanced Open Water (12+ year olds) $565

So you’re an Open Water diver, take your training to the next level by joining us for an Advanced ( students 12 yrs old and up) or Adventure (students 10 and 11 years old).Increase your skill and experience underwater with the 1st dives of various specialities (6 for Advanced/4 for Adventure). Once you discover your interests you can complete the full specialty and begin your journey towards becoming a Master Scuba Diver

Monday: Peak Performance Buoyancy – excellent buoyancy is the key to being a skilled environmentally safe diver!

Tuesday: Navigator-  practice in using your compasses and finding your way underwater.

Wednesday, Boat Diver – take a 2 tank boat dive off Venice and learn more about boat diving and about the underwater world through the Underwater Naturalist course. Searching for shark teeth and dugong bones. (this will conclude the program for 10 or 11 year olds. They will earn the Junior Adventure Diver Certification. On turning 12, they can take the Deep Adventure dive and earn a Junior Advanced Open Water Certification)

Thursday: Deep Diving & Fish I.D. – this time you dive out of Sarasota from a charter boat to complete the Deep and Fish I.D. Specialties.

Rental gear for the duration of the course $75.


Open Water Diver and Project Aware Sea Turtle Conservation Speciality – July 20 – 25
Cost including transportation – $730
Middle and high school students (ages 12 and up only)

Earn your Open Water scuba certification and your first speciality certification!

Monday – Thursday is your open water course with Sea Turtle intro.
Friday – walk the beach in the early morning hours looking for sea turtle nests.
Saturday – leave Sarasota early in the morning and head to West Palm Beach for a 2 tank dive to see the 1 to 3 species of sea turtles which frequent the nearby reefs.

Rainbow River Trip –  Drift Dive August 4
$94  w/ Drift Adventure Dive (credits toward the Advanced Open Water or Drift Specialty)
Middle and high school students

Fun dive in spring fed Rainbow River. We will take the water taxi upstream and drift dive back. The river is 72 degrees year round with unlimited visibility. See fresh water turtles, gar and other species of fresh water fish on this Drift Dive specialty..

If you already have your adventure or advanced diver certification you are still welcome to join us for the dive!

All transportation is included for these classes and trips.
I am interested in the Summer Classes!

Keys & East Coast Trips
April 11 – Islamorada – 7:00 AM
April 18 – Keys Trip
April 25 – Sea Turtles Jupiter
May 2 – Keys Trip 7:00 AM
May 16 – Islamorada  7:00 AM
May 30  Islamorada 7:00 AM
Dive & Learn

Jupiter – Turtle Diving

Trip leaders: Janine & Greg

April 25th and 26th

$372 ppdo

Includes transportation, hotel, nitrox, 5 dives and Sea Turtle class.
Learn more about the abundant sea turtle population on the East Coast. We will leave Sarasota and do two dives on Saturday afternoon, and that evening after dinner head off to the beach to see nesting turtles. Sunday, we will have three dives and then come home. The trip will include the AWARE Sea Turtle certification (counts towards your Master Scuba Diver). Diving in Jupiter is a lot of fun, with deeper depths, stronger currents and abundant and large sea life. Fineprint: the price is per person, double occupancy, you will be diving nitrox – if you are not certified to dive nitrox, we can get you certified during the trip, you will need to have an SMB for the boat. Sign Me Up For Turtle Diving

Turks & Caicos –
October 17th to 24th, 2015,
$1,739 PPDO
Bohio Dive Resort, Grand Turk

Grand Turk is surrounded by walls covered in sponges and corals starting at 25 feet (7 meters) before plunging 7000 feet (1230 meters) straight down, it is guaranteed to take your breath away. The stunning reef architecture provides endless areas to explore searching for reef fish, sharks, turtles, more

Soccorro Island Liveaboard
January 16th to 24th, 2016
$3,195 – $3,695 USD PPDO
Nautilus Belle Amie

Join us on a voyage out to Socorro Island to dive and interact with the friendliest giant mantas in the world. The giant Pacific mantas which you will meet at Socorro are the largest of the rays and we believe they are the most majestic creatures in the ocean. They swim by moving their wing-like pectoral fins, which can grow up to 23 feet wide, but usually average around 16-20 feet. At Socorro, they swim in very close – less than 3 feet – make eye contact more

Customer Appreciation Days!

May 15 & 16 – Store and Turtle Beach
Experts from the Scubapro team will give in-store seminars and then you can dive the latest gear nearby at Turtle Beach!


About the author

Editor of Don411.com Media website.
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