Enterprise Solution and Advertisement

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Don411.com Media has international readership with 181 countries with those looking for “performing arts news unabridged”.

b2ap3_thumbnail_Google_Analytics_181_Countries.pngGoogle Analytics 181 Countries



How was Don411 Found?

78.74% Search Traffic

8.66% Referral Traffic

12.59% Direct Traffic

Readership in all 50 States and 181 Countries (there are 193 countries in the world, 181/193 = ~ 94% World Coverage)


Frequently Asked Questions:


How does this advertising work?

All advertising are in text form (see above). With only 4 ads showing at one time according to the viewer. Once the page is refreshed or reader goes to another page, a new set of ads appears automatically. It is automated and random. We chose this system to give every advertiser an opportunity to show their ads without additional costs. It is an egalitarian system to keep the cost reasonable.

Minimum 1 month, no set up fees, no contract, no obligation to continue.

 1 Month:     $ 10
 2 Months:   $ 15
 4 Months:   $ 30
 6 Months:   $ 50
 8 Months:   $ 70
10 Months:  $ 90
12 Months:  $ 100

Ad Example:

Your Business or Organization
This is where your information would go to
show the reader. The headline can have 30
characters, and body of text 120 characters.


We have on average 27 impressions per click through or a 27/1 ratio.


Why do you have an internal ad system versus external ad systems, like Google Ads and others?

Other ad groups are literally renting the space on a website to show ads. We can’t necessarily control the content or what is shown. Since we are a news agency and have very specific readership, we wanted to keep consistent and non-offensive.


How did you come up with pricing?

Since the goal was to have high readership and not making the reader go through hurdles to find what they are looking for with pop-ups and things like that, it was decided upon having an extremely reasonable cost to have affordability.


What type of advertising is best?

We have readers from all over the world, but the continental United States seems to be favored in big metropolitan areas and smaller towns. Those advertisers that work best are tourism and hospitality, products, merchants that can ship items, restaurants, and performing arts venues.

Advertisers we won’t accept are: alcohol, cigarettes, dating ads, political advertisements or anything that is contrary to community standards.

Advertisers that are considered, but have to verified are due to the subjective nature are: artists and musicians.



To find out how to get started, click on CONTACT US.

– See more at: https://don411.com/entry/enterprise-solution-and-advertisement#sthash.XoNYMJoT.dpuf

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