Curtis Institute of Music 2014 Graduates, Curtis Piano Faculty pays Tribute to Eleanor Sokoloff, Curtis On Tour in Europe and New England

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:: In This Issue: 2014 Graduates, Curtis Piano Faculty pays Tribute to Eleanor Sokoloff, New on Curtis Performs, Curtis On Tour in Europe and New England
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Hail to the Graduates

Congratulations to 37 young alumni, members of the Class of 2014! Curtis held its annual Commencement last weekend. In addition to the graduates, longtime piano faculty member Eleanor Sokoloff, soon to celebrate her 100th birthday, was recognized with a special Lifetime Achievement Award. Honorary doctorates went to retiring clarinet faculty Donald Montanaro and mentor conductor Yannick Nézet-Séguin, music director of the Philadelphia Orchestra. See photos.

“Elegant, demanding, and unfailingly intelligent…”

This is how one of Eleanor Sokoloff’s fellow piano teachers at Curtis describes her indelible presence over nearly eight decades on the faculty. To mark her centenary, the Curtis Archives blog features audio of a beautifully nuanced broadcast performance of the Brahms Haydn Variations by Mrs. Sokoloff and her husband, the late Vladimir Sokoloff, in 1938. Also on the blog, the whole Curtis piano faculty pays tribute to Mrs. Sokoloff. Read their comments as you listen—then add your own!

Overtones Student Profile

Among the 2014 graduates is percussionist Ted Babcock, recently profiled in the Spring 2014 issue of Overtones. Read this and other featured articles from the most recent Overtones here.

New On Curtis Performs

The concert season is over, but Curtis Performs will sustain you this summer. Just posted: Listen to the Curtis Symphony Orchestra performing Mahler’s monumental Symphony No. 5 with conductor Jahja Ling.

Voices on Tour

Meanwhile it’s a busy summer for Curtis On Tour, with varied ensembles performing in Europe and New England. First out of the gate are singers Lauren Eberwein, mezzo-soprano, and Spencer Lang, tenor, performing with pianist Mikael Eliasen, artistic director of the Curtis Opera Theatre, from May 21–27. Their program of opera selections, songs, and musical theatre classics bows in Paris, Berlin, and several Spanish venues.

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