Comfort Keepers Sarasota Bradenton and Venice; Comforting Times from Comfort Keepers, March/2015

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Our new e-news publication, The Observer, strives to bring you articles we hope will be both engaging and of real value to you as a reader.  The Observer is sent on the 15th of each month.  Please contact [email protected] if you do not receive your copy.

Sharing A Little Snapshot To What Drives My Passion:
Another day of work and a meeting with a daughter from out of town to discuss care for her mother who was recently diagnosed with terminal cancer.  The sun felt warm on my face as I stood at the front door…Read More

The Antidote for Caregiver Stress? Become Engaged
More than 5 million Americans today live with some form of dementia, and caring for those afflicted creates significant stress on family caregivers. Current figures place the number of family and friend caregivers at about 15.4 million (approximately 60% of these are women); these caregivers spend an estimated 17.5 billion hours of unpaid time at a cost of $216.4 billion annually…Read More

Making the Choice is Harder Than It Seems

When life’s routine chores become a challenge to you or a loved one, hiring a helper can be the best solution.  But making the choice can be harder than it appears…Read More

Our own Gladys Hawkins talks about how she came to be a Comfort Keeper and the blessings it has brought to her life…Watch Now


Issue: 3
In This Issue

For families who live away from their senior loved one, in-home care providers offer regular updates to families about the senior’s well-being – and with that, assurance that the senior is receiving the best possible care…Read More
For more information on In-Home Care call 941-921-4747 or Click Here.

 for Seniors
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Comfort Keepers Sarasota, Bradenton, & Venice

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