Brand new video for Samsung LEVEL Music Lab with The Chainsmokers at the University of Kansas

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Brand new video for Samsung LEVEL Music Lab with The Chainsmokers at the University of Kansas.

Samsung is bringing some of the best music acts to college campuses around the country for Samsung LEVEL Music Lab.  The Samsung LEVEL line of audio products combines industry-leading technology and design.  Dedicated to providing memorable consumer experiences and unmatched products, Samsung is giving students the opportunity to learn from and interact with their favorite musicians directly on this college tour.  So far, The Chainsmokers and A$AP Rocky have transformed college lecture halls into immersive music labs where students learned from the artists firsthand, including a moderated Q&A by Justin Bieber’s videographer Rory Kramer followed by 1-on-1 sessions, dubbed “Office Hours,” with select students for a truly unforgettable experience.

The video is ready to be embedded on your site via embed code below and shows the life-changing experiences these kids had, culiminating with clips from their live performance and after party.

In : Music

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