Best No Annual Fee Credit Cards of 2019
You don’t have to pay big annual fees to get the best credit card rewards. While some super-premium cards charge hundreds of dollars in annual fees there are plenty of alternatives that offer exceptional rewards at no cost. Make sure you’re not paying too much for your reward in 2019. Some of the best credit cards available are on this list! Here are the best credit cards with no annual fee for 2019 from our partners.
Editor’s Top Picks: Best No Annual Fee Credit Cards of 2019
- Best overall: Wells Fargo Propel American Express® Card:
- Best all-around travel rewards: Capital One® VentureOne® Rewards Credit Card:
- Best everyday cash back: Blue Cash Everyday® Card from American Express:
- Best first rewards credit card: Capital One® Quicksilver® Cash Rewards Credit Card
- Best flat-rate cash back: Chase Freedom Unlimited®
- Best first-year cash back match: Discover it® Cash Back
- Best for rotating categories: Chase Freedom®:
- Best for gas: Bank of America® Cash Rewards credit card
- Best low maintenance rewards card: Citi® Double Cash Card
- Best for cell phone insurance: Wells Fargo Cash Wise Visa® Card