Anna Maria Island Radio Interviews NBC The Voice Breakout Star Monique Abbadie ‘Miss ChocoVine’

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Anna Maria Island Radio Interviews NBC The Voice Breakout Star Monique Abbadie ‘Miss ChocoVine’

By Casey Hoffman of AMI Radio


Casey M. Hoffman, President
AMI Radio, Inc.
P O Box 267
Bradenton Beach, FL 34217
Station 941-524-5207
1700 AM – Can’t Contain Cool




Nationwide Search for Sweetest Voice, Most Chocolaty Smile Culminates In Crowning NBC The Voice Breakout Star Monique Abbadie ‘Miss ChocoVine’

BOCA RATON, Fla — NBC’s The Voice breakout star Monique Abbadie was crowned last night “Miss ChocoVine,” becoming the rising brand’s first ambassador.

“I’m going to soon release the sweetest song ever written about a wine,” said Monique at her crowning ceremony.

“We couldn’t have made a more suitably seductive selection than Monique, who’ll now reign as the flirtatious face and engaging voice behind America’s #1 selling blend of Dutch chocolate and fine Cabernet wine, “ said a representative of ChocoVine (

ChocoVine had the international PR firm TransMedia Group conduct the nationwide search to find the ideal bi-lingual beauty to represent the brand nationwide and internationally. In both song and personal appearances, Monique will be showing how ChocoVine can be served on the rocks as the main ingredient to an array of sinfully savory cocktails like ‘Chocolada,’ a more taste-tempting version of Pina Colada.”

As Miss ChocoVine, Monique will reign as the sensual voice behind America’s favorite alternative to cream liqueurs, said TransMedia’s CEO Tom Madden (, who has conducted many campaigns for leading food and beverage companies.

Monique appeared on Shakira’s team on The Voice season 4, advancing to the Knockout Rounds. “Today her talent blazes with new songs soon to be released,” said her manager Fred Montilla.

“Monique will personify the sensuously rich, audaciously seductive taste of ChocoVine,” said ChocoVine’s representative. “Since launching the brand, chocolate-loving, cordial-appreciating consumers have purchased more than 16 million bottles of ChocoVine,” he added.

Monique will show how rich chocolate is deliciously and irresistibly paired with a fine French cabernet creating a decadent, silky smooth drink to which Miss ChocoVine will add her dulcet tones and coquettish smile making it an even sweeter experience.  She’ll be toasting it in commercials and advertising nationally and in Central and South America.

“Pairing chocolate and wine has always been a daunting process, but now the perfect union has been created, resulting in a depth and range of taste experience unprecedented in a chocolate drink Miss ChocoVine will sing about. The importer, also offers ChocoVine Raspberry, a blend of rich Chocolate and raspberry flavors, and ChocoVine Espresso. Priced retail from $10-$12, gluten-free ChocoVine is an attractive alternative to cream liqueurs available at all major retailer and chain stores, where occasionally Miss ChocoVine will be making appearances.  


Media contact: Adrienne Mazzone 561-750-9800 x2270; [email protected].

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