Amrita Saigal, MIT-Harvard MBA 2014 earned the GRAND prize for her social enterprise named Saathi; Saigal to be featured in the 2015 Saris to Suits Empowered calendar role model; Benefit to be held June 10 at India Palace in Sarasota

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Saris to Suits Empowered is a non-profit effort to empower and inspire women and young girls, and to raise awareness about victims of domestic violence and assault, especially in the South Asian American community.   An amazing young woman and MIT-Harvard MBA 2014 just won the GRAND prize for her social enterprise named Saathi – she will be in Sarasota on June 10th at India Palace on Main Street.   Please put it in your community calendar, and perhaps have it covered as well.

The India Palace proprietor has planned a delicious limitless buffet of North Indian cuisine. 
Video/photo opportunity:  Amrita Saigal is a 2015 Saris to Suits Empowered calendar role model. She will mostly likely be photographed around a banana tree orchard in the area. Location TBA.   The inaugural year received enormous national/international publicity — three area women were featured, including cardiologist Dr. Chippy Nalluri. 

Amrita’s social enterprise Saathipads is making a huge difference in the lives of many women and young girls, boosting confidence and school attendance in rural areas.


Saris to Suits efforts benefited many organizations as well as Safe Place and Rape Crisis Center, and Raksha in Atlanta.  Here’s why I launched the calendar, and now the mission will expand with a (501) c3 tax exempt status.






Patti Tripathi

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