Yahoo-ABC News Network: Clear Leader in Online News for 24 Consecutive Months

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February 18, 2014


Yahoo-ABC News Network: Clear Leader in Online News for 24 Consecutive Months


Total Minutes Spent Month Over Month Higher Than Any Other Online News Competitor


Monthly Video Views Reaches Highest Level in ABC News Mobile History with

13.5 Million Video Views in January on Yahoo Leads with 21 Million Unique Visitors


For 24 consecutive months the Yahoo-ABC News Network has maintained its dominant position as the #1 source of news and information online, surpassing CNN, Huffington Post Media Group, NBC News Digital and CBS News in total page views and unique users, according to data provided by comScore. In January millions of unique users turned to the Yahoo-ABC News Network for 24/7 access to breaking news stories, exclusive interviews and original, digital video content. Throughout the month of January total page views and total minutes spent across the combined network increased month over month, up 7% and 12% respectively since December 2013.


Page Views:

Last month the Yahoo-ABC News Network remained the undisputed leader of news and information online delivering a total of 2.5 billion page views, outperforming:

·         Yahoo-ABC News Network (2.5 billion)

·         CNN Network by 51% (1.6 billion)

·         HPMG News by 94% (1.3 billion)

·         Fox News Digital Network 190%  (846 million)

·         NBC News Digital by 242% (717 million)

·         New York Times Digital 450% (446 million)

·         CBS News by 416% (475 million)

(Source: comScore, January 2014)


Unique Visitors:

In January more people got their news online from the Yahoo-ABC News Network than any other source. Total unique users across the combined Yahoo-ABC News Network increased month over month, reaching an audience of 77 million people, surpassing: 

·         Yahoo-ABC News Network (77 million)

·         CNN Network by 18% (65 million)

·         HPMG News by 26% (61 million)

·         NBC News Digital by 49% (51 million)

·         CBS News by 132% (33 million)

·         Fox News Digital Network by 165% (29 million)

·         New York Times Digital by 174% (28 million)

(Source: comScore, January 2014) on Yahoo: on Yahoo remains the #1 morning news show website and the go-to destination for the hottest headlines, breaking interviews and celebrity news.  In January on Yahoo beat out Today.comwith a unique audience more than one million stronger than Today’s. In fact 21 million users consumed a total of 110 million page of content across last month, compared to’s 19 million users. (Source: comScore Media Metrix Key Measures, January 2014)



January 2014 marked a record month for ABC News Digital mobile traffic, particularly in the video space.  Last month ABC News mobile video views skyrocketed to an all-time high. Phone web also increased in January with mobile video views up 25%, the highest number since the Boston Marathon bombings in 2013. Additionally, live stream coverage of President Obama’s State of the Union Address also drew in rising mobile users in January, especially across the iPhone platform, which received over one third of the amount of live stream views as desktop. 

(Source: Adobe SiteCatalyst 2014).


ABC Media Relations:

Nicole Enberg / [email protected] / 212.456.6872



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