The Chapel Mountaineer, July 10

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The Chapel Mountaineer Weekly
Thoughts for the Adventure
July 10, 2014

There is a phrase I encountered these last few weeks while my family and I traveled throughout Costa Rica. I only wish I had heard it years ago. The phrase, “Pura Vida.”

Literally “Pura Vida” means pure life, but many in Costa Rica use these two words to convey that everything is great, things are good, or life is good. What is striking is that people all over Costa Rica use this short phrase and they mean it seemingly across situations and regardless of what is happening at the moment.

As I experienced the country of Costa Rica, “Pura Vida” colors how Ticos live, view life, and interact with others. Whether in a hotel, on the beach, interacting with a stranger on the street, or exploring a non-tourist town, “Pura Vida” is uttered in most conversations.

See the bear?

Ask a Tico, “How are you?” Likely the answer will be “Pura Vida.” Simply say “Hola” to a Tico, and the response will be the same. Whether in English or Spanish, “Pura Vida” is just part of how Ticos think and speak.

I have to wonder what might happen in our own culture if we were to use such a phrase. What would it be like if Americans while working, engaging with others even strangers, or simply saying hello or goodbye uttered, “Pura Vida?”

Costa Rica is not a rich country. Many are poor, living in conditions most of us would consider to be unacceptable. Yet despite a lack of income, challenging housing and working conditions, and hard living, “Pura Vida” is something not only spoken, but believed and the entire country and the population are affected as a result. “Pura Vida” is not uttered as a way to deny tough realities or hardships. I believe it is used to help people make it through what is hard with optimism and gratitude for the moment.

What is clear is that what we choose to think directly affects how we feel, look at things, and interact with others. I for one, believe I have a lot to learn from the Ticos and “Pura Vida.” Uttering “Pura Vida” might in fact be some of the best words to use when awakening each morning, greeting those we love, or speaking to the stranger.

As each breath we are given and life itself is a gift from God, perhaps incorporating “Pura Vida” into our lives is a great way to lead us to hearts of gratitude for all that is good and a blessing from our Creator.

Robert +

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Please share with young drivers you know who happen to text while driving. Love and prayers.

Robert +

Thoughts for the Adventure
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Weekly Quip

Be careful what you think, for your thoughts become your words.
Be careful what you say, for your words become your actions.
Be careful what you do, for your actions become your habits.
Be careful what becomes habitual, for your habits become your destiny.


Kids & Families

OK, this may be weird, but I am IN LOVE with Jen Hatmaker. This woman is hilarious, insightful, compassionate and has the heart of a servant who loves her God passionately and without excuses. She doesn’t take herself too seriously and yet has thousands of followers on Facebook, Twitter and her blog, and will have an opportunity to impact millions on a new HGTV show. There may or may not be an event coming up soon at Snowmass Chapel because she inspires me to do something…I’m just not sure what yet. Stay tuned. And if you’re curious about Jen, visit her website at

Charla smiley face

Children, Youth & Family News & Events

Mountains of Faith camp in Full Swing!
The 4th annual Mountains of Faith summer day camp is happening right now! Each day includes music, arts and crafts, storytelling, Bible memory verses, games, snacks and oodles of fun! We have kids from all over the Valley and beyond joining us every morning and it’s a great way to introduce friends to all the happenings here at Snowmass Chapel. Check out our photos and kid quotes on Facebook!

Mother Daughter Retreat Aug 15-16, for high school juniors and seniors
This will be a very special retreat time for moms and teen daughters. Scheduled for Friday night and Saturday one week before school resumes, it’s a great way to start your school year off on the right foot! The retreat is facilitated by Kara Gilbert, Project 18 Program Leader, and Adelaide Waters, founder of Women’s Forum. It promises to be SPECIAL! Hurry — Registration is just $150 if paid before Friday, July 18th!! $195 after that. Reserve your spot today!

Bible Memory Verse – Play with a Full Deck! 
Whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me. ~ Matthew 25:40
You can find each week’s Bible memory verse here.

Chapel News & Events

Second Sunday Outdoor Worship Starts This Sunday!
July 13, August 10 and September 14, 5:00 pm on the Chapel ground
The spectacular beauty of our valley provides a very special setting for worship. Join us this summer for outdoor worship on the second Sunday of July (this Sunday), August and September. You won’t regret it

BBQ and Family Fun July 22nd at Town Park!
Tuesday July 22nd from 5:30 to 7:30pm
The Connecting Committee is organizing a Summer BBQ at Snowmass Town Park/Gazebo. It is a terrific location for this fun gathering with a playground for the kids, plenty of space for yard games, and picnic tables for eating at! Burgers and hot dogs provided. Please bring a side dish, salad or dessert to share! BYOB, although lemonade will be served. Please RSVP to Judi ([email protected]) or Nancy ([email protected]) to ensure there is enough food. We hope to see you there! It’s sure to be a blast.

Speaks on Christian Wellness After Worship at 10:30am in the Chapel

July 13th: “The Heart of Wellness…Living as WE rather than ME”
Our interest is living our faith in Christ holistically…physically, emotionally, relationally, vocationally, fiscally, and spiritually. St. Augustine as well as Martin Luther define sin as “Curvatus in Se”, a turning inward into ourselves where energy, living, & serving are focused on ME. Christ’s invitation, therefore, is counter-cultural! Christ’s call focuses on living as WE, moving outward in our relationship with God, others and all of God’s creation. Be Well, Serve Well = Think WE, not ME! Please meet in the Chapel at 10:30am.

The Hiking Group is Hitting the Trails – Join Us!
Weekly hikes take place in and around Snowmass and usually last 1-3 hours. The group has hiked up Government Trail, up Snowmass Mountain to Elk Camp, and the Rim Trail to name a few. Please join us – the more the merrier! Contact Sally Sparhawk to get on the list and receive weekly hike updates. Happy Trails! Contact Sally Sparhawk or call 970-618-1442.

The Story Bible Study – hosted by Robert and Oz Mandel
Summary: “The Greatest Story ever told”; God goes to great lengths to rescue lost and hurting people. That is what The Story is all about—the story of the Bible, God’s great love affair with humanity. Condensed into 31 chapters, The Story sweeps you into the progression of Bible characters and events from Genesis to Revelation. Using the text of the NIV Bible, it allows the stories, poems, and teachings of the Bible to read like a novel. When: Thursday evenings at 6:30pm. Now-August 4th, 2014. Where: Gnarnia at Snowmass Chapel. Free to attend. Drop ins welcome and encouraged! (Also, children and families are invited to attend.) Purchase The Story new or used on For more information, please contact Robert Mandel at (970) 923-4429.

This Week at the Chapel

Thursday, July 10

AA Meeting 12 Noon – 12:45pm “Lunch Crunch” meeting in the Fireside Room

“The Story” Small Group 6:30pm in the Gnar-nia Room

Sunday, July 13

Christian Worship 9:00am in the Chapel
Michael Schoepe, Mills Gorrie & Ben Belinski will be providing special music.

Fellowship/social time with refreshments 10:00am following Sunday morning service

The Heart of Wellness…Living as WE rather than ME”10:30am in the Chapel with Dr. John Eckrich

Outdoor Worship 5:00pm on the Chapel grounds

Thursday, July 17

AA Meeting 12 Noon – 12:45pm “Lunch Crunch” meeting in the Fireside Room

“The Story” Small Group 6:30pm in the Gnar-nia Room

Weekly Scripture

Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows.

James 1:17


Reaching Us
we’d love to hear from you

Robert, Senior Pastor
[email protected]

Charla, Director of Children, Youth and Families
[email protected]

Caroline, Administrative Director
[email protected]

Paul, Music/IT Director
[email protected]

Sue, Volunteer and Events Coordinator
[email protected]

Kara and Adam Gilbert, Snowmass Chapel Teen Leaders
[email protected],[email protected]

Sunday Bulletin Material Deadline
If you would like material to be printed in the Sunday bulletin,
please have it to Sue de Campo by 4pm on Wednesday
so she’ll have time to compile the bulletin. Thanks very much!
Snowmass Chapel
t 970.923.6192

f 866.334.2557
P.O. Box 17169
5307 Owl Creek Road
Snowmass Village, CO 81615

The Chapel Mountaineer Weekly
To love the Lord our God with all that we are, all that we have,
& all that we will become & to love others as ourselves
In : Events

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