92Y Shababa, Filming this week in Shababaland

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92Y Mitzvah Trip …

A message from Shababa
Dear Shababa Friends,

We’ll be filming educational videos at Shababa this Saturday! These videos will NOT be public and will be shared only with members of the Shababa network, including cantors, rabbis and educators attending the Shababa Network Summit next week!

On Saturday we’ll ask all Shababians to sign video release forms. For anyone who prefers not to be on camera, we’ll accommodate you as well.

This week in Shababaland:

Shababa Fridays, Jan 23, 9:30 & 10:45 am
Shababa Saturdays, Jan 24, 10:30 am

Shababa love,

Karina, Melissa and Rebecca

Karina‘s picks of the week
Mitzvah Trip
92Y Mitzvah Trip on Sat, Jan 24:
downtown food-rescue mission
Countdown to Camp
Free open house at 92Y, with big savings
Join us for a taste of 92Y Camp Yomi, with Yomi Bear, sports, crafting, face painting and more! Enjoy some snacks, meet the director and find out why no one does camp like Yomi.

For ages 5 to 12.

Sun, Feb 1, 12-2 pm

Parenting Conference
92Y Parenting Conference:
Why Fathers Matter
You made a baby; now learn to make a family—on one big day for dads (and moms) of all stripes! Hear the latest from the nation’s top psychologists, sociologists and parenting experts—and from the guys on the front lines, both working and stay-at-home dads.

Sun, Jan 25, 10 am-3 pm

Family Art Adventure
Family Art Adventure: Sunday No-Sew Scarves
Bring the kids to 92Y’s Art Center for some Sunday morning family fun. Stay cozy this winter by making your own polar-fleece scarveswith no sewing required! 

Sun, Feb 1, 10 am-12 pm


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Editor of Don411.com Media website.
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