SORAIA Announces New Album Dead Reckoning and Release New Single “Quicksand”

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Announces New Album Dead Reckoning and Release New Single “Quicksand”
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“Quicksand” premieres as the “Coolest Song In The World” on Little Steven’s Underground Garage on SiriusXM
Dead Reckoning out October 13, 2017 via
Wicked Cool Records
Album art
“Searing guitars, burning soul and true CBGB grit: Soraia are the rock you need, in your face now – David Fricke, Rolling Stone/Sirius XM Radio
“[Lead singer ZouZou Mansour] sways her body like Gwen Stefani, howls like Janis Joplin and has a rock n’ roll attitude that’s akin to Joan Jett” – Anti Music

Today, ferocious up-and-coming rock band Soraia has released a new song – PRESS HERE to listen to “Quicksand,” which debuted today as the “Coolest Song In The World” on Little Steven Van Zandt’s worldwide terrestrial radio show Underground Garage, and on his SiriusXM channel 21. In addition, Soraia announced that their new album Dead Reckoning will be released October 13, 2017 via Wicked Cool Records in partnership with The Orchard. Dead Reckoning is available for pre-order now, PRESS HERE to pre-order.
In their raw songwriting and passionate relationships with their fans, Soraia – whose name means “bright guiding star” in Arabic – strive to set an example of how personal struggles can be overcome to inspire life-changing art. “Quicksand” channels this resonant message of empowerment and healing by way of rolling guitars and lead singer ZouZou Mansour‘s captivating howl, while the lyrics address themes of overcoming obstacles from addiction and domestic violence to internal battles of narcissism and destructive self-talk. The album title itself references the nautical process of calculating one’s current position based off of previous locations and experiences, encapsulating Soraia‘s desire to process pain and struggle into growth and healing.
Soraia‘s energetic, intoxicating live shows are their calling card, showcasing an infectiously defiant intensity – ZouZou Mansour has been referred to as “a true mix of Iggy Pop and Joan Jett” onstage. Over the course of relentless touring and four albums, one EP and countless singles, the Philadelphia band has honed their garage-rock songwriting and magnetic live show while building an intensely dedicated fan base across the country.
Steven Van Zandt, host of Little Steven’s Underground Garage on SiriusXM, chose Soraia‘s song “Electrocutioner” as his #1 “Coolest Song of the Year 2016,and their attitude-laden punk cover of The Kinks‘ “(I’m Not) Like Everybody Else” reached #1 on rock radio in South America in 2014. Prior to that, rock n’ roll legends and deejays Bill Kelly, Genya Ravan, Kid Leo, and Michael Des Barres chose “(I’m Not) Like Everybody Else” among their favorite “Top Ten Coolest Songs of 2014“.
Whether in a hot, sweaty rock club or huge amphitheater, Soraia‘s charisma and spirit transcend the concert stage, channeling the legacy of iconic rock ‘n’ roll rebels and epitomizing raw power, unrelenting energy, chaos, and freedom.

Dead Reckoning track listing:
1. Quicksand
2. Why
3. Cupid Killer
4. Beautiful Curse
5. Wow
6. Come Down, Angel
7. Monster
8. Je Ne Sais Quoi
9. Have Love Will Travel
10. Tahiti
11. Wandering Star
12. Black Mood
Soraia upcoming tour dates:
August 5               Levittown, PA @ Positively Records (“Quicksand” Single Release Party)
August 19            Philadelphia, PA @ The Barbary
August 22            Washington, DC @ Smith Public Trust
September 20    Allston, MA @ O’Brien’s Pub
September 22    New York, NY @ Berlin NYC
September 23    Philadelphia, PA @ Milkboy (Record Release Show)
September 24    Pottstown, PA @ Fujiyama
September 28    Columbus, OH @ Spacebar
September 29    Wapakoneta, OH @ Route 33 Rhythm & Brews
September 30    Cincinnati, OH @ Urban Artifact
October 1            Dayton, OH @ Blind Bob’s
October 3            Cincinnati, OH @ The Drinkery otr
October 5            Washington, DC @ The Pinch
October 6            College Park, MD @ TBA

Photo credit: Mark Weiss


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